
This document contains the know bugs list at end of FS9. It has not been updated since.

For more recent reports, please also check the github issues at:

Summary of known bugs

The following is a summary list of known bugs. They are described in more detail iin the next section.

  1. Do not run fmset for extended periods.

  2. odd and even head types not supported for Mark IV & VLBA4.

  3. odd/even head types not supported for VLBA style tapeforms.

  4. chekr does not check the status of the Mark IV formatter or Mark 5 recorder.

  5. Extraneous errors when tape is stopped by low tape sensor.

  6. comm= command in logex extracts only the first command.

  7. S2 error scheme clumsy.

  8. No extra spaces allowed in ibad.ctl file.

  9. onoff and fivpt programs hang.

  10. FS SNAP command pages don’t list tape drive suffix numbers.

  11. LBA rack TPI detector is not usable.

  12. mk5b_mode and bit_stream commands only report the expected sample rate.

  13. Some fmpsee routines do not report file I/O error through the log system.

  14. Some systems calls, particularly in mk5cn and dbbcn, use separate UN errors to elaborate on errors in system calls.

Details of known bugs

A detailed discussion of these bugs follows.

  1. Do not run fmset for extended periods. For stations that have formatter that can be set with fmset, the program should not be run for extended periods of time. The fmset program should be used only to set or briefly verify that the formatter time is correct. Do not leave fmset running after completing either of these tasks, especially during an experiment.

    The fmset program dominates the Field System when it is running and this is likely to interfere with the running of an experiment or other activities. The only way to detect the time from the VLBA formatter with greater precision than one second it to wait for the seconds response from the formatter to change. This requires the FS to communicate with the formatter almost continuously. A similar problem exists for the S2 recorder. This problem is less severe for other formatters, but extended use of fmset in this case should be avoided as well. A reminder about this is included in the fmset menu.

  2. odd/even head types not supported for Mark IV & VLBA4. The Mark IV and VLBA4 rack version of the form command and the Mark IV and VLBA4 recorder versions of the repro and parity commands do not support the odd and even parameters for the read and write head types and reproduce electronics in the head.ctl control file. This means that automatic substitution of odd or even head in passes that use only even or odd heads respectively does not occur. The only correct settings for the read and write head parameters and reproduce electronics is all. This will be fixed in a future revision. Please email Ed if you are missing some tracks and need to work around this limitation.

  3. odd/even head types not supported for VLBA style tapeforms. For any mode recorded with VLBA style tapeform (14 index positions), the only correct setting of the read and write head types on the head.ctl is all. This will be fixed in a future revision. Please email Ed if you are missing some tracks and need to work around this limitation.

  4. chekr does not check the status of the Mark IV formatter or Mark 5 recorder. Now that most communication problems with the Mark IV formatter have been solved, this will be possible and will be done in the future. chekr support will be implemented for Mark 5 despite communication problems, they will have to be ignored unless they extend beyond a certain amount of time.

  5. Extraneous errors when tape is stopped by low tape sensor. When a tape drive has been commanded to move the tape and then stops because it hit the low tape sensor (or when S2 recorders hit the BOT or EOT), chekr will complain periodically that the tape drive is not in the correct state. In principle the FS should be smarter about this. However, if the tape is managed correctly by the schedule this error message should never occur. If it does, then it it an indication that there is either a problem with: (1) the schedule, (2) the check procedures, (3) the recorder, or (4) the tape is too short. If any of these cases apply they should be corrected. It is more likely that this error message will occur when the tape is being controlled manually. In this case, issuing an et command will convince the FS that the tape drive should be stopped and the error message will cease.

  6. comm= command in logex extracts only the first command. The comm= command in logex extracts only the first command commanded and displayed. This problem was noted by Giuseppe Maccaferri (Medicina).

  7. S2 error scheme clumsy. The error and status response number reporting scheme for S2 recorders is clumsy. FS errors that have mnemonic rl are mostly error responses from the recorder or the RCL interface library that is used to communicate with the recorder. If the numeric part of an rl error is greater than -130, then it is the error code returned by the recorder. If the numeric part is less than -130, but greater than -300, then add 130 to the value, the absolute value of the result is the error response code from the RCL library. For values less than or equal to -300, a FS error has been detected. Status response codes are all reported with mnemonic rz and the numeric value is the negative of the status response code. In all cases an appropriate error or status message is displayed. These messages are retained in the log.

  8. No extra spaces allowed in ibad.ctl file. The format of the ibad.ctl must not contain any leading or embedded spaces. In systems that use the LLP AT-GPIB driver (pre-FS Linux 4), if either the option no_untalk/unlisten_after is misspelled or an incorrect device name is supplied, the driver will cause a segmentation violation when it is initialized and the FS will terminate. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent this problem in a general way; it reflects a limitation in the driver.

  9. onoff and fivpt programs hang. The onoff and fivpt programs have been known to hang mysteriously. This seems to be caused by some problem with the rte_go mechanism that is used to restart the program when it pauses to allow a SNAP procedure, such as calon or caloff to execute. The rte_go that is used to restart the program fails for some reason. This has been exceedingly difficult to debug because it is intermittent and fairly rare. There is however a good work around for it. The calon and caloff procedures are called by procedures calonfp and calofffp for fivpt and calonnf and caloffnf for onoff. fivpt and onoff may hang during (or actually just after) the execution of one these procedures that fivpt and onoff will typically hang. Using sy=rte_go fivpt & or sy=rte_go onoff &, as appropriate, may help get the FS unstuck, but the measurement results should probably be discarded. If that doesn’t help, you will have to terminate the FS to recover. You can prevent it from happening again (for this procedure) by adding the lines:

    sy=rte_go fivpt &

    to the end of calonfp and calonfffp. For calonnf and caloffnf, please add:

    sy=rte_go onoff &

    If you see other situations where fivpt and onoff hang, please email Ed about it.

  10. FS SNAP command pages don’t list tape drive suffix numbers. The FS SNAP manual pages and the help pages available through the help= command do not reflect when multiple versions are available with different suffixes depending on the number of drive specified in the control files. For example, there is only a tape page, no tape1 or tape2 page. However, the help facility will display the version of the command with no suffix when an available command with a suffix is used. For example, if two drives are defined, then help=tape1 and help=tape2 will work, but help=tape will not and vice-versa if only one drive is defined.

  11. LBA rack TPI detector is not usable. The Australian LBA Data Acquisition System currently lacks a functional total power detector though support has been included. To allow approximate system temperature calibration, all the setup commands and the TPI detectors of the modules of a co-existing Mark IV rack are currently also available when the rack type is specified to be LBA4.

  12. mk5b_mode and bit_streams commands only report the expected sample rate. The value of the actual clock rate is not read back from the recorder in order to calculate the actual effective sample rate. Consequently, the query log output includes parenthesis around the sample rate as indication that it is not read, but expected. The mk5c_mode command does report the actual sample rate.

  13. Some fmpsee routines do not generally report file I/O error through the log system for programs within the FS, specifically boss, incom, and aquir. The fmpopen() routine does use the log system to report errors. Those are the most common errors. However other routines report errors with terminal output. These other routines should eventually use the log system.

  14. Some systems calls, particularly in mk5cn and dbbcn, use separate UN errors to elaborate on errors in system calls. These should eventually be integrated into the main error message, but whether this makes the errors messages too long (maximum 120 characters) should be considered.