1. Introduction

This document covers the steps needed to update from FS 10.2-beta1 to 10.2-beta2 and the changes in the new version. Installing the new version (see the Upgrading from 10.2-beta1 section below) is simpler than the update to 10.2-beta1.

Despite the next paragraph, alpha and beta releases are not intended for operations.

FS 10.2 has been tested for a few configurations but not all possible ones. You should test it carefully before using it for operations. Please email Ed if you encounter problems so that we can resolve them.

The changes in the FS and drudg for 10.2-beta2 are covered in the Changes since 10.2-beta1 section below. The most significant changes are:

  • The display server is now enabled by default.

  • The DBBC3 support was improved. The most significant changes are in Tsys filtering, handling multicast time-outs, and the Tsys monitor display, monit7.

2. Upgrading from 10.2-beta1

You must have already upgraded to 10.2-beta1 according to the FS 10.2-beta1 Update Notes document before installing this update.

2.1. Fetch 10.2-beta2

There are two alternatives:

  1. If you are using FSL9, FSL10, FSL11, or another system that supports connections to github and you are using git (as is recommended) then as prog execute:

    cd /usr2/fs-git
    git fetch
    git checkout -q 10.2.0-beta2
  2. If you are using FSL8 or are otherwise unable, or prefer not, to use git (you will probably need to be root):

    Refer to the Installing from an archive subsection in the Release Model document. Follow the steps there, through the one that includes the option to set the /usr2/fs link. Please note that:

    • For FSL8, or if you are otherwise unable to connect to github, you will need the TIP in the wget step.

    • For the tag use 10.2.0-beta2.

    • You will end using the “installing from an archive” procedure with the step setting the link for /usr2/fs by running make install.

2.2. Login as prog

If you are not already logged-in as prog, do that. This is necessary for the remaining steps until Reboot.

2.3. Make the FS

As prog:

cd /usr2/fs
make clean rmdoto rmexe all >& /dev/null
make -s

No output from the last command indicates a successful make.

2.4. Make the station software

The layout of some variables in shared memory has changed. Even if you have not updated your station code, you should re-make your station code to be safe. If /usr2/st/Makefile is set-up in the standard way, you can do this with (as prog):

cd /usr2/st
make rmdoto rmexe all

2.5. Reboot

This will make sure shared memory is reallocated.

2.6. Login as oper

The remaining steps are to be performed by oper.

2.7. Optional steps

The steps in this section are optional, but you may find them useful. All are to be performed by oper, except as noted. For each item, click the “Details” toggle for the full instructions.

  1. If you can’t use the display server, or prefer not to, disable it.


    Using the display server is now enabled by default and recommended for all users. However, if you can’t use it (perhaps because it won’t compile), or you prefer not to, you can disable it by setting the environment variable FS_DISPLAY_SERVER to off. Any other value, including on, or the variable not being set at all, will enable it. The steps are:

    If you are unable to compile the display server or have other problems with it, please contact Ed. We will try to resolve them.
    1. Set the environment variable.

      There are two options, depending on what login shell you use:

      • If you use bash, add the following command to ~/.profile:

        export FS_DISPLAY_SERVER=off
      • If you use tcsh, add the following command to ~/.login:

        setenv FS_DISPLAY_SERVER off
    2. Logout and back in.

    3. Update any other accounts that use the FS, usually just prog.

    This variable should be set the same, or not set, for all accounts/sessions that use fs, fsclient, or streamlog. There may be problems if there is a mismatch.

3. Changes since 10.2-beta1

There are separate subsections with summaries of the changes in the FS and drudg.

Clickable links such as #36 connect to specific issues reported at https://github.com/nvi-inc/fs/issues.

A complete history of changes can be found using the git log command from within the FS git archive directory, usually /usr2/fs-git.

Each change is listed as a numbered title, usually with a few summary sentences, followed by a “Details” toggle, like:


Details are shown here.

that can be clicked on to toggle showing (or not showing) the details. In this way, you can view the summary as a list and only reveal the details of items that interest you. The summary sentences and/or the details toggle may be omitted if they would not add any new information, usually because it is already covered in the numbered title item, summary, and/or the details are very brief.

3.1. FS changes

  1. Improve display server usage.

    The display server is now enabled by default. The environment variable FS_DISPLAY_SERVER_CONFIRM_TERMINATE was added. Some command line options of fs and fsclient are out-of-date.

    1. Make the display server enabled by default.

      Unless the environment variable FS_DISPLAY_SERVER is explicitly set to off, the display server will be used. This should be backward compatible with existing usage of the variable which was to only use the display server if the variable was set to on. Now if you don’t want the display server, the variable will have to be explicitly set to off.

      This variable should be set the same, or not set, for all accounts/sessions that use fs, fsclient, or streamlog, usually just oper and prog. There may be problems if there is a mismatch.
    2. Add environment variable FS_DISPLAY_SERVER_CONFIRM_TERMINATE.

      The terminate confirmation prompt is included in oprin as a safety mechanism to reduce the chances that the FS will be terminated while another user (client) is using the FS. Although it not recommended, if you don’t want this prompt, you can set the variable to off. For all other values, including it not being set, the prompt will be used. The setting of this variable in the session that started the client, with either the fs or fsclient, determines the behavior of oprin for that client.

      For simplicity, it is recommended that this variable be set the same for all accounts/sessions that use fs or fsclient, usually just oper and prog.
    3. Add wait to FS start-up if it is a rapid restart when the display server is in use.

      The change in 10.2-beta1 to stop the FS server when the FS is terminated resulted in a problem when the FS was restarted quickly after being stopped. The restart could fail with the error message:

      fsclient.c:436 (fetch_state) error unable to connect to server: Connection refused

      Apparently, it takes the server a couple seconds to shutdown completely so it can be restarted. To avoid this error, a wait of up to two seconds since the previous FS exit is used. If a wait is needed, a message about its length is printed before the wait. After the wait, the FS starts up normally. An interval of two seconds was tested under a variety of conditions and found to be reliable, while not excessive. In case it is not sufficient for some cases, the error message above was augmented with an explanation and a suggestion to try again.

    4. Some command line options of fs and fsclient are out-of-date.

      Usage of the server has evolved since its initial implementation, making some of the original command line options out-of-date. In particular, -f, -b and -w may need to be adjusted or eliminated. This will be handled in a later update. In the meantime, not setting FS_DISPLAY_SERVER, or setting it to off, should be sufficient for running with, or without, the server.

  2. Improve DBBC3 support.

    Several changes were made, particularly to Tsys filtering, multicast time-out handling, and the Tsys monitor display (monit7). Also for terminology, legacy calibration replaced spot calibration.

    1. The terminology spot calibration was replaced by legacy calibration.

      Legacy calibration refers to explicitly turning the noise diode on and off to make calibration measurements. This contrasts to continuous calibration, which alternates the diode on and off automatically, usually at 80 Hz.

      The use of spot, while appealing, seemed more cumbersome than legacy, which has an historical precedent.

    2. Add using tpicd=reset to reset the averages for Tsys data,

      While just using tpicd to reset the averages will always work, it can also have the side-effect of prematurely starting continuous logging (tpicd=yes,…​) when that is configured. Using tpicd=reset avoids this and is recommended for manually restarting the averages. It can be placed in a SNAP procedure, maybe reset, to minimize typing.

    3. Force the polarity to 0 for legacy Tsys.

      When legacy calibration is used (cont_cal=off,…​), a polarity of 0 is always sent to the DBBC3, regardless of what was requested (even not sending anything). A warning is issued if this overrides the request. This is necessary to place the TPI data in the correct position in DBBC3 command responses and the multicast data.

    4. Switch to adaptive multicast time-out detection

      Previously the time-out interval was a fixed 125 centiseconds (CS). Now it is 145 CS if the previous read did not time-out. If it did, the interval is adjusted to 100 CS until the next received packet. On the assumption that multicast transmissions are only delayed 25 CS or less, it allows a generous margin for delayed messages while still detecting missing packets. The interval must be less than 150 CS to avoid possibly missing a time-out after a delayed packet that didn’t time-out.

      The previous, fixed, interval of 125 CS was too small given the observed variation in the packet arrival times. It should have been increased to something a little less than 150 CS. However, even that longer fixed interval would not detect the third of three missing packets in a row. The new scheme should detect all missing packets, as well as collect all the available messages.

    5. Change multicast time-out error reports to use a summary format

      The first occurrence of a time-out is reported. Then a count of the time-outs in the next 60 read attempts is kept. The number is reported (the initial time-out is not included in this count). This continues until there are 60 attempts with no time-outs. That is reported and then keeping a count ends until the next time-out.

      This approach was adopted because in some cases, time-outs come in bursts. It does not increase the number of messages if there is an isolated time-out. It does reduce, but not eliminate, the messages when the firmware is being reloaded and other cases of persistent or repetitive time-outs. If multicast data is being logged with a 100 centisecond interval, it is possible to reconstruct which messages were lost.

    6. Add error message for Core3H boards having different times in the multicast data.

      If all the boards don’t have the same time, this is reported every 20 seconds until it is fixed.

    7. Add auto-reset feature to DBBC3 continuous Tsys filtering

      When filtering is in use, if the clipping reaches the red zone (clipped six times or more) for a detector, and the long-term average for the detector differs by more than the filtering percentage from the average of the last samples samples (set by the cont_cal=on,…​ command), the long-term average is reset to the more current average and shown with a blue background.

      A separate shadow average is maintained for this. It is reinitialized every samples samples so that it is only dependent on the most recent data. Thus if the long-term average in use is significantly skewed by older data with either RFI or from a different elevation, a more up-to-date value will be substituted. The device must be in the red clipping zone on the sample that completes the shadow average for a reset to occur. The auto-reset feature should reduce the need to reset manually with tpicd=reset.

      For the next cycle after the auto-reset, the displayed value may clipped, or unclipped, depending on how far the new sample is from the new long-term average.

    8. Log negative continuous Tsys values

      Negative Tsys values occur with continuous calibration data if the polarity is incorrect. The polarity should be fixed, but the values are logged in case they are useful until the situation is rectified. They only difference from the correct values is the sign.

    9. Improve monit7:

      1. Replace the unused VDIF Epoch field with multicast centiseconds Arrival time.

        The former was expected to become available in the multicast data, but had not yet been added. Instead the centiseconds, the 0.01 seconds within the second, of the multicast arrival time is shown. This can be useful for diagnosing late transmission, and hence arrival, of multicast packets.

        Generally speaking if the centiseconds is less than 20, the packet from the previous second was late. Usually in that case the packet arrives after the display updates. Data from the previous packet is displayed again, with the Time value in inverse video because it has not changed. In the update for the next second, the data from the late packet is displayed with the low value for the arrival time. The displayed Time from the packet and DBBC3-FS values are increased by one to account for when the packet did arrive. The packet that should have arrived in that second is lost and a multicast time-out occurs. Apparently the previous packet transmission overran the DBBC3 1 PPS, preventing the transmission of the next packet. The Time value will not be inverse again for the missing packet since the late packet was displayed instead.

        The arrival time before which a packet is considered being late (from the previous second) in monit7 can be adjusted with the new command line switch -l.

        The VDIF epoch field will be re-added when it becomes available in the multicast.

      2. The background color for negative Tsys values was changed to inverse video.

        Except for clipped (and auto-reset) values, all negative values, including out-of-range (dollar signs, $$$$$), are shown in inverse video to highlight that the polarity is wrong without the somewhat extreme magenta color used in 10.1-beta1. Clipped (and auto-reset) values include a sign.

      3. For filtering, invalid values and Tsys values outside the range ±1000° are ignored completely instead of being included in the clipped count.

      4. New invalid values, also shown with a cyan background, were added:

        • “on” TPI value is zero — This is shown as  on=0. It occurs when the DBBC3 is configured for legacy calibration with polarity 2 and the FS is expecting continuous cal.

        • “on`” and “off” TPI values are both zero — This is shown as tpi=0. It may happen when the firmware is being loaded/reloaded

      5. Change the foreground colors for cyan, green, yellow, red, and blue backgrounds.

        The foreground color for cyan, green, and yellow background is black; red and blue, white. It was felt that these combinations were the easiest to read.

        For certain reverse video terminals, the white and black foreground colors are swapped for cyan, green, yellow, red, and blue. For example, this happens if xterm is run with the -rv command line option and the normal FS black/linen settings for foreground/background are in use. To get the unswapped foreground colors, you can use the new -r command line option with monit7. Unfortunately, it is not possible for monit7 to detect the need for this automatically.

      6. Prevent inadvertent escape sequences from causing monit7 from terminating (closing #204).

        Pressing a desktop key combination that generates an escape sequence, such as Ctrl+Alt+, when monit7 had the focus would cause it to terminate. To prevent this, use of Esc to terminate was removed. To prevent other characters in the escape sequence from being treated as monit7 commands, they are filtered according to “CSI sequences” at (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). If an out-of-order byte is received, processing of the escape sequence is terminated and the byte is treated as a new input, either another escape sequence or a command. This effectively filters out the user pressing Esc, or key combinations that generate escape sequences, possibly more than once in a row or using automatic repeat.

        Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for reporting this issue and testing the fix.

      7. Always clear BBC Tsys fields that aren’t being displayed in monit7.

        In certain cases when changing modes, such as when a particular IF was selected before Def or Rec came into effect, some old non-blank fields were not cleared when they should have been.

      8. Correct mode selecting not working if an IF was selected before Def or Rec mode started.

        Now normal mode switching is always available.

  3. Restore DBBC sync prompt for DBBC/Mark5B in fmset (closing #207).

    When syncing the Mark 5B, prompting to sync the DBBC first was restored. This had been lost in the merge of the VGOS branch, commit 224cc218b7519c300c11c59aea6391a6da3b122b.

    Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for testing this fix.

  4. Refactor display of RDBE multicast data in the RDBE monitor window (monit6).

    This eliminates have the DOT time flash in the RDBE monitor display (monit6) when the attenuators are adjusted.


    Adding the feature, in FS 10.1, of using inverse video for an incorrect RDBE DOT time had the inadvertent side effect of causing the DOT time to flash inverse sometimes when the RDBE attenuators were adjusted. This was apparently caused by the attenuator adjustment delaying the multicast enough to arrive after the RDBE monitor display (monit6) had updated. Thus the previous second time was displayed and in inverse video because it was wrong.

    This was fixed by recording the time of the multicast message arrival and using that to decide if the RDBE time is correct. The display update time was moved to the next integer second for consistency. The displayed time is incremented by one second so it will agree with other displayed times, the System Status monitor (monit2) in particular. As a result, the oddness/evenness of the time no longer agrees with that of the IF being displayed. The monit6 updates are now better synchronized with the monit2 updates, instead of being about 200 milliseconds later.

    Thanks to Kiah Imai (KPGO) for reporting the interaction with setting the attenuators.

  5. Improve onoff for RDBEs.

    Detectors for inactive RDBEs are now skipped. More useful messages are provided for RDBE communication errors. The error handling was simplified.

    1. Skip detectors from inactive RDBE in onoff.

      Previously, if an RDBE wasn’t defined, and therefore was inactive by default, and detectors from it were selected in onoff, there would be a fatal error when trying to communicate with the device. This has been changed so that the detectors for the inactive device will skipped with a warning message. This allows an existing setup for onoff to still be useful if an RDBE is temporarily unavailable. Which RDBEs are active can also be set, among those defined, with the active_rdbes command.

    2. Improve RDBE communication error reporting (closing #209).

      The error messages for RDBE communication errors in onoff are now more informative.

    3. Simplify error handling

      The handling of errors was simplified. The reporting of overall errors doesn’t use ip[4]. Consequently, it can be ignored.

  6. Accept waiting response from RDBE dbe_data_send? query in fmset.


    When fmset queries the RDBE to see if data sending needs to be turned off, a previously unexpected response, waiting, can occur. This can apparently happen when the state is off. The code was adjusted to take this into account. Also any other unexpected response will now be displayed in the error when reporting the error.

    Thanks to Russ McWhirter (Haystack) for explaining the waiting response.

  7. Add verbose option for curl/wget in fesh (closing #201).

    When the -v option is used in fesh verbose output is enabled to for curl and wget. This can useful debugging connection issues. The -v option still includes verbose output for drudg.

    Thanks to Eskil Varenius (Onsala) for suggesting this.

  8. Improve plog

    Two small fixes were made to the -l (“latest”) option and two to the -h (“help”) option.

    1. Correct description of the -l option in the plog -h output (closing #203).

      The -l (for “latest”) option, will use the latest log that ends with the station’s two letter code and does not contain either point or station.

      Thanks to Eskil Varenius (Onsala) for helping clarify this.

    2. Add error message for no matching log found for the -l option in plog.

      The previous message was not informative.

    3. Ignore certain log files for the -l option.

      Log file names that only consist of the station code are excluded. _full.log files are not accepted if the station code is ll unless ll immediately precedes _full.log in the file name.

    4. Fix -h to work if the STATION environment variable is not set.

      This was overlooked in FS 10.1.

  9. Rename xresouresfix script to the correct xresourcesfix.

  10. Add missing 10.2.0-beta1 tag.

    Thanks to Rubén González (Ny-Ålesund) for reporting this.

  11. Improve documentation

    How the feature release update documents are titled was changed. The DBBC3 Operations manual was improved. Several other changes were made.

    1. Change the naming scheme for feature releases documents and references.

      The patch level (.0) is now omitted in the file names and references for feature releases.

      This makes the document consistent for use with later patches without having to rename, or generate almost completely redundant, documents for the patches. The document will be updated for the patches, i.e., the new tag and any documentation fixes. Not having to rename allows the old link to still work. Thus users who update to a feature release after patches have been released can use the original link. Brief explanatory update documents, e.g, “10.2.1 Update Notes”, will still be provided for users applying patches. Previous feature releases are referred to without the patch level. For feature releases that have not had their documents renamed for this approach, the patch level is included in the anchor text for the link to be consistent. The feature release tag still includes the .0 patch level.

      This change is implemented as of FS 10.2-beta2. A symbolic link was added so that existing URLs for 10.2.0-beta1.html will be redirected to 10.2-beta1.html. The documents for previous feature releases (10.0 and 10.1) may be updated to follow this pattern if there is a need.

    2. Add steps to remove temporary fixes for 10.1 and 10.2 updates.

      There were some temporary fixes provided to stations, without releasing patches, to deal with various issues. The programs affected were fesh and plog for data center changes, as well as rdbemsg. Instructions to remove the versions were added as a reminder to switch back to using the new standard versions, which include all the fixes.

    3. Improve 10.2-beta1 update notes.

      Cleanup the document, fixing many typos and reorganizing a little.

      Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for helpful feedback.

    4. Improve “FS DBBC3 Operations Manual.”

      In addition to including other changes in this document, several other improvements were made.

      1. Move information on multicast time-outs to a new section and expand the description.

      2. Describe how multicast message arrival time is logged.

      3. Describe monit7 data being stale if there is a multicast time-out.

      4. Improve description of Time field in monit7

      5. Add more detail on Tsys logging

      6. Improve description of setup for using setcl to set FS time.

      7. Improve the description of trouble-shooting continuous calibration problems.

      8. Add more NOTEs for changes from 10.1.

    5. Remove redundant “Review changes” section in 10.1 and 10.2 update notes.

    6. Fix organization of the “Fetch” step in the 10.1 update notes.

    7. Improve instructions in making_gh-pages.txt.

      • Don’t add .adoc files, that should have already been done

      • Don’t delete .html files, we don’t want to delete symbolic links

      • Don’t commit and push, that should already be done or the workflow is different anyway

    8. Fix various typos and broken links.

3.2. drudg changes

drudg opening message date is 2023-02-21.
