1. Introduction

This document covers the steps needed to update from FS 10.1.0-beta2 to 10.1.0 and the changes since 10.1.0-beta2.

The update from FS 10.1.0-beta2 is much simpler than the update to 10.1.0-beta2, see the Upgrading from 10.1.0-beta2 section below. The changes in the FS and drudg since 10.1.0-beta2 are covered in the Changes since 10.1.0-beta2 section below.

2. Upgrading from 10.1.0-beta2

You must have already installed 10.1.0-beta2 according to the FS 10.1.0-beta1 to 10.1.0-beta2 Update Notes document before upgrading. If you have installed 10.1.0-beta2, follow the directions below.

2.1. Login as root

The next step requires root permissions.

2.2. Fetch FS 10.1.0

With the release of 10.1.0, the default branch for the FS repo has changed to main. Please be sure to follow the directions pointed to below for fetching the new version.

Please follow the directions in the Fetch FS 10.1.0 step in the FS 10.1.0 Update Notes document, except that you may want to use a more appropriate new name (maybe fs-git.old-10.1.0-beta2) for renaming your old git repo directory.

2.3. Fix file permissions

Please follow the directions in the Fix file permissions step in the FS 10,1,0 Update Notes document.

2.4. Login as prog

The FS must be compiled as prog.

2.5. Compile the FS

cd /usr2/fs
make rmdoto rmexe all >& /dev/null
make -s

No output from the last command indicates a successful make.

2.6. Reboot

Reboot the computer. This is necessary to allocate FS, and possibly station, shared memory for the new version. It will also make sure you are using the latest version of the display server.

2.7. Login as oper

Except as indicated, any actions in the next step should be performed as oper.

2.8. Local customizations

  1. If you have been using local copies of fesh and/or plog and/or rdbemsg, you should remove them from use.

    A simple way to do this, while preserving the local copy, is to rename it to something else, e.g., for fesh, you might name it fesh.old, if that doesn’t conflict with an existing name. If you have aliases setup (probably in ~oper/.bash_aliases or ~oper/.cshrc, but possibly elsewhere) to make the local copy the default, you should deactivate them so you will get the new standard fesh and plog by default.

2.9. Review changes

Please see the Changes since 10.1.0-beta2 section below for the details of the changes since that release.

3. Changes since 10.1.0-beta2

There are separate subsections with summaries of changes in the FS and drudg.

Clickable links such as, #36, connect to specific issues reported at https://github.com/nvi-inc/fs/issues.

A detailed list of changes can be found using the git log command from within the FS git repo directory, usually /usr2/fs-git.

Each change is listed as a numbered title, then usually a few summary sentences, followed by a toggle:


Details are shown here.

that can be clicked to toggle showing (or not showing) the details. In this way, you can view the summary as a list and only reveal the details of items that interest you. The summary sentences and/or the details toggle may be omitted if they would not add any new information, usually because it is already covered in the numbered title item and/or the details are very brief.

3.1. FS changes

  1. Improve plog

    The new default method for pushing to the BKG data center is ftp-ssl. The upload URL for OPAR was updated. The data center and station code are now case insensitive.

    1. Add support for ftp-ssl with the BKG data center in plog.

      The default for pushing files (logs) to the BKG data center is now ftp-ssl. Unfortunately, accessing BKG with ftp-ssl cannot be supported on FSL8. The old behavior using ftp can be enabled by setting the environment variable PLOG_BKG_METHOD to ftp. However, BKG is expecting to discontinue support for non-SSL ftp at the end of May 2022.

      After June 2022, BKG upload access will require use of an individual account. You can get information to apply for an account by going to https://ivs.bkg.bund.de/ and following the Access Information link.
    2. Update URL for upload to OPAR.

      OPAR now uses a different URL, https://ivsopar.obspm.fr/upload/, for uploading. The old one, https://ivsopar.obspm.fr/upload/scripts/upload.php, will continue to work for some time.

      Thanks to Sébastien Lambert (OPAR) for sending the new URL and Christophe Barache (OPAR) for keeping the old one open for backward compatibility for at least some period.

    3. Make data center case insensitive.

      This change was made to improve ease-of-use when specifying the data center with the -c option. For consistency, the value specified by the DATA_CENTERS environment variable is now also case insensitive.

    4. Make two character station code case insensitive.

      This change was made to make plog and fesh's use of the STATION environment variable consistent.

  2. Improve fesh

    The new default method for accessing the BKG data center is ftp-ssl. The data center is now case insensitive (as was the station code already).

    1. Add support for ftp-ssl for the BKG data center

      The default for pulling schedule (and .txt note) files from the BKG data center is now ftp-ssl (using anonymous access). Unfortunately, accessing BKG with ftp-ssl cannot be supported on FSL8. The old behavior using ftp can be enabled by setting the environment variable FESH_BKG_METHOD to ftp. However, BKG is expecting to discontinue support for non-SSL ftp at the end of May 2022.

    2. Make data centers case insensitive

      This change was made to improve ease-of-use when specifying the data center with the -D option. For consistency, the value specified by the FESH_DATA_CENTER environment variable is now also case insensitive.

  3. Improve mk5c_mode/fb_mode for use with DBBC3s

    These commands will now trap no DBBC3 channels being selected and give what should be a clearer explanatory message than just having the recorder rejecting a zero channel mode.

    Thanks to Christian Plötz (Wettzell) for pointing out the usefulness of this.

  4. Improve help page for the core3h_mode command

    A significant part of the Comments section was rewritten to more clearly explain the different Forms of this command, particularly the Checking Form, which is unique to this command. The Command and Monitor forms, which are typically the ones used in commands for other devices are also described more fully.

    Several other changes were made to bring the feature description up to date and improve wording.

  5. Correct the d3fbstation.prc example procedure library

    Two define lines were malformed. This was a benign error.

  6. Improve web documents

    A few minor changes were made.

    1. Note drudg bug fix to add missing final scan checkmk6 call to .snp files.

      This fix in drudg has been present since 10.1.0-beta1.

    2. Include that incorrect RDBE DOT time are in inverse video for the RDBE monitor window (monit6) in the FS 10.1.0-beta1 to 10.1.0-beta2 Update Notes document. It was already in the FS 10.1.0-beta2 Update Notes

    3. Fix the alphabetic order of the environment variables beginning with FESH_ in the FS Environment Variables document.

    4. Make miscellaneous wording improvements

  7. Add missing default control file, msg.ctl for the msg program.

    1. Elaborate in SC -4 error message to provide more explicit advice.

    This error is reported by setcl when the formatter and FS PC boot time differ by more than 248 days. This may occur because the PC has been running a long time since it was booted, but it also could be because the formatter time has not been set or is wrong. The error message now explicitly suggests checking both.

3.2. drudg changes

The drudg opening message date is 2022-05-28.

  1. Fix wait time bug for disk2ile=abort,…​

    Since 10.1.0-beta1, drudg has not calculated the correct wait time before the disk2file=abort,…​ command was issued. This was caused by an uninitialized variable; the behavior was different for different systems. On 32-bit systems, this bug seemed to typically cause the wait time to be incorrectly formatted. As a result, it was reject by the FS, causing the wait to not occur, possibly aborting the disk2file operation before it was finished. For 64-bit systems, this bug seemed to typically cause the wait time to be too long, possibly causing the subsequent scan to start late by a few minutes.

    Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for reporting this bug.