1. Introduction

The document covers updating from the beta3 pre-release to the FS 10.0.0 (now patched as 10.0.1).

For instructions for other upgrade paths, see the Other update documents sub-section of the FS 10.0.0 Update Notes document.

2. Upgrading from 10.0.0-beta3 to 10.0.0

You must have already upgraded to 10.0.0-beta3 according to the FS 10.0.0-beta3 Update Notes document or the FS 10.0.0-beta2 to FS 10.0.0-beta3 Update Notes before installing this update.

2.1. Fetch and make 10.0.0

If you are using git, as is recommended, then as prog execute:

cd /usr2/fs-git
git fetch
git checkout -q 10.0.1
make clean rmdoto rmexe
make >& /dev/null
make -s


The use of 10.0.1 is not a typo. That is the latest patch release for 10.0.

No output from the last command indicates a successful make.

2.2. Additional steps

  1. If you have a station lo_config command, you should make sure it has been updated as described in the Update local lo/lo config commands sub-step of the Update station programs step in the FS 10.0.0 Update Notes document. Although updating the lo command was mentioned for the update to 10.0.0-beta3, updating the lo_config command was omitted from some versions of the instructions.

  2. If you use metserver as a local program and you updated to FS10 from a VGOS branch, you may want to update to the new version. It includes several improvements, see the metserver change (in the FS changes sub-section below) for more details. See st.default/st-0.0.0/metserver/INSTALL for the installation instructions.

  3. If you original updated to FS10 from a VGOS branch version, and haven’t already, you should remove use of the deprecated be_client and mcicn scripts with the more general s_client script.

    You can find instances of the deprecated scripts commands, using, e.g., for be_client:

    cd /usr2/proc
    grep be_client *.prc

    You can use less to identify the SNAP procedures in each file that uses the script. Use pfmed to make the changes.

    Information about using s_client can be found using help=sy.

  4. If you initially installed a beta version from scratch (and in particular on FSL10) and are using bash as your shell, you can change your configuration to prevent the cd command from changing the login shell window title, if you would like. Doing so will keep the title of this dedicated-use window consistent with the documentation.

    To make this change, add the line:

    login_sh*allowTitleOps: false

    to the login shell stanzas of your ~oper/.Xresources and ~prog/.Xresources files. See st.default/~oper/.Xresources for an example. You will need to log-out and log back in again to make the change fully active.

  5. If they are not already, convert the contents of your aquir control files to lowercase. This is usually necessary since the FS is now case sensitive. However, you could arrange your control files and procedure libraries to use uppercase if you want. That would be an unusual situation. For the typical situation, you can convert as oper, for example, with:

    These commands will change all the uppercase in the file(s) to lowercase, including in comments. The change for the comments should be benign. While it might not be what is desired for some of the comments, it will enforce lowercase for lines that are currently commented out, but may be uncommented in the future. You can always use an alternative method of conversion to retain uppercase in comments only in places where you want it.
    cd /usr2/control
    /usr2/fs/misc/to_lower ctlpo.ctl

    You can repeat this for other aquir control files you may have. The to_lower script can process multiple files given on the command line. It will make a back-up of original files with an added .bak extension. It will not overwrite any existing .bak file. It stops if any error is encountered.

    Each aquir control file has its own horizon mask that is separate from the one in location.ctl.

2.3. Review changes

Please see the Changes since 10.0.0-beta3 section below for details of the changes since that pre-release.

3. Changes since 10.0.0-beta3

There are separate sub-sections with summaries of changes in the FS and drudg.

Clickable links such as #36 connect to specific issues reported at https://github.com/nvi-inc/fs/issues.

A complete history of changes can be found using the git log command from within the FS git archive directory, usually /usr2/fs-git.

3.1. FS changes

  1. Improvements to msg:

    1. Add checking in msg for the FS being active just before writing to the log (closes #86).

      This allows msg to send its output to the log if it is started before the FS. Previously, it had to be started after the FS. Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for suggesting this.

    2. Add feature to msg to allow switching from “manual start” to “auto-start” (closes #87).

      By design, msg only allowed “auto-start” to be entered from the Ready form. If the connection to the FS computer is lost (killing msg) while waiting for “auto-start” to complete, it was difficult to re-enter without sending a new Ready message. To help with this an Auto-start button was added to “manual start”. When msg is restarted, the user can go to the Start form and use the Auto-start button to re-enter “auto-start”. The log must already be open to the experiment log when msg restarted for this to work. Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for suggesting this.

  2. Add the .rxg file LO values to the lo/rxg output lines.

    This change is intended to make it clearer which .rxg file is use, particularly if there are files with both fixed and range LO specifications that could match (fixed has priority).

  3. Change default .Xresource files to prevent overwriting of login shell window title by bash.

    This maintains consistent window naming for agreement with existing documentation. This only affects bash users.

  4. Improve DBBC2 ifx command help files.

    1. The fact that the IF target level is not command as the default was added.

    2. The range for IF filter 3 was corrected to 1536-2048.

    3. The description of the scaling of the IF power measurements was brought up to date.

  5. Add missing help file for active_mk6s.

  6. Make improvements to update instructions:

    1. Add make clean rmdoto rmexe command after git checkout in incremental update notes.

      For incremental updates it is necessary to clean the old compiled code. This is due to drudg not participating in the new Makefile scheme, but it is generally cleaner too. Thanks to Carlo Migoni (Sardinia) for reporting this.

    2. Add update instructions to covert the contents of aquir control files to lower case.

      This is necessary and was omitted in all the beta update instructions. The distributed example aquir control files were converted to lowercase. Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for reporting this.

    3. Add suggestions for how to set-up for opening additional windows interactively in the Opening additional windows section of the Installation reference document.

    4. Add switching to s_client to the update notes for former VGOS branch users.

    5. Add update instructions for switching to the new metserver. It has several new features for former users of the old VGOS branch versions:

      1. A new command line argument to disable errors messages for specific sensors if they are broken.

      2. Support for FS_SERIAL_CLOCAL make time environment variable for FSL9 and later.

      3. Improved reporting of errors when opening serial devices.

      4. Reduction in the threshold for old data being declared stale to 10 seconds, which is more than sufficient.

  7. Fix an issue with git on FSL8 causing the repo to appear “dirty” after root does a make install.

  8. Switch back to using internal version information for fesh and plog.

    Using the FS version could make it look like the programs have changed when they hadn’t. Using the FS version was a change in beta2.

  9. Improve start-up error message from fserr if an error message line is too long in fsser.ctl or sterr.ctl.

    Previously, it reported the error as being in the following "" line.

  10. Add mci-code and mci-parameter options to rdbemsg.ctl.

    These options allow overriding of the station code in the MCI log and which positional parameter to extract from the data lines, respectively. If these lines are not specified, the values default to the station code and 2, respectively. These are needed for the prototype MCI nodes at GGAO and Westford. GGAO requires gg for the code and 3 for the parameter position.

  11. Update default control files:

    • equip.ctl — Change default second recorded to none.

    • stpgm.ctl — Change five character name of monit2 to moni2.

    • rdbemsg.ctl — Add example mci-code and mci-parameter lines.

  12. Add save to all fslb/novas.f routines.

    This is defensive in case local variable are changed to being automatic. The NOVAS routines seem to require static variables.

  13. Add missing GPL to wish scripts.

3.2. drudg changes

  1. Fix the GB shown in drudg listings (closes #88).

    The values had been incorrectly scaled by 1000/1024 since beta1. This was fixed. This issue was introduced in the merge of the VGOS branch, which also had this issue. This did not have much consequence for Mark 6 users, but it could lead to selecting the wrong size module for Mark 5 usage. Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for reporting this.

    The size of the GB being recorded in mk6=record=…​ commands had the same issue dating back to the VGOS branch as well. This was also fixed. This error had no impact since the value is only used by the recorder to determine whether the disk module has enough room for the recording and the Mark 6 modules were not being used near their capacity limit.

  2. Correct the name of the setup procedure used for BB racks to always be setupbb regardless of the recorder selected (closes #57).

    This makes schedules more useful with other recorders, particularly none (which is used for single dish tests).

  3. Allow the $PARAMS block to occur after other blocks in .skd files.

    Previously it has to be the first block.

  4. Restore summary listings for staggered start (closes #94).

    This bug was apparently introduced in beta1. It was apparently broken in the merge of 9.13.2 (where it worked) and the VGOS branch. Thanks to Jon Quick (HartRAO) for reporting this.