1. Introduction

The document covers updating from the FS 10.0.0 feature release to the 10.0.1 patch. Please see the Changes since 10.0.0 section below for the details of the changes since that release.

2. Upgrading from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1

To install this update, your current FS version must be FS 10.0.0 (see the FS 10.0.0 Update Notes document). If you already installed the patch, 10.0.1, when you installed 10.0, there is nothing more to do.

2.1. Fetch and make the patched version

  1. Update the FS

    There are two options:

    1. If you are using FSL9, FSL10, or another system that supports connections to github, then as prog execute:

      cd /usr2/fs-git
      git fetch --tags -q origin 10.0
      git checkout -q 10.0.1
      make clean rmdoto rmexe all >& /dev/null
      make -s

      No output from the last command indicates a successful make.

    2. If you are using FSL8, or otherwise unable to use git or connect to github:

      Please follow the all steps in the Installing from an archive subsection in the Release Model document. Please note that:

      • Use 10.0.1 as the value for tag.

      • For FSL8, you will need the TIP in the wget step.

      • Be sure to set the link for /usr2/fs by running make install, where that is an option.

2.2. Review changes

Please see the Changes since 10.0.0 section below for the details of the changes since that release.

3. Changes since 10.0.0

There are separate sub-sections with summaries of changes in the FS and drudg.

Clickable links such as #36 connect to specific issues reported at https://github.com/nvi-inc/fs/issues.

3.1. FS changes

  1. Fix crashes for DBBC2 communication errors (closing #191).

    There was an error in class number handing of communicating with a DBBC2 (the FS refers to the device as a “DBBC”). It occurred in the periodic checking of the DBBC2 personality and version number. Crashes only seemed to happen when the DBBC2 is in a bad state, and then after about ~35 ch -810 Communication error for DBBC. errors. There should no longer be any crashes even if the DBBC2 is in a bad state. Rebooting the DBBC2 may fix the bad state. This is a good thing to do since calibration data may be lost and other problems may occur while it is in the bad state.

Thanks to Eskil Varenius (Onsala) for reporting this problem and testing the fix.

3.2. drudg changes

There are no drudg changes.